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Using the Library: Call Numbers

Have a question about using the library? Find the answer here!

Finding Materials in the Library

The following collections use the Library of Congress Classification Scheme: 

  • General Collection - 2nd floor
  • Media Collection - 1st floor 
  • Reference (Ref) - 1st floor 
  • Children's Literature Collection (CLC) - 2nd floor 
  • Pacific Northwest Collection (PNW) - 2nd floor 

The following collections use the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme: 

  • Pleasure Reading - 1st floor 

Finding a call number: 

  1. Go to 

  1. Under “Library Catalog” type in the book title (Optional; change “Everything” to “Library Catalog” to search only what’s at LCSC) 

  1. Hit enter, and the call number shows at the bottom of the result (see image below as reference) 

How to find an item once you know the call number:

Items beginning with the following call numbers are located on the library's 1st floor:

  • Pleasure Reading (Popular Fiction and Non-fiction Books)
  • DVD
  • LCSC Reserve Desk (Course Reserve)
  • Newspaper
  • Ref (Reference Collection) 

Items beginning with all other call numbers are located on the library's 2nd floor. 

  • Each shelf section is labeled with the first and last call number on the shelf. Refer to the labels to find which shelf your item is located on. 
  • Once the shelf section is found, look through the books on the shelves to locate your item.
  • If your book is not there, or otherwise can't be found, please ask the circulation desk for help.

1. Books are shelved alphabetically by the first letter(s).

2. Books are then arranged numerically by the number following the letter(s). 

3. Books are then arranged alphabetically by the next letter and decimally by the following number. 

4. Finally, books are arranged by publication year and/or volume number. 

Understanding Call Numbers: 

What to do when you can't find the item you want on the shelf.

If you think the book might be new, remember to look on the New Book Shelf on the 1st floor. This is the small shelf between the writing center and circulation desk. 

Some books and movies may be on display, either in one of the glass display cases or on a wall display.  The two wall displays are located in the Reading Nook across from circulation, and between the Research Appointment room (LIB 127) and the Alcove. 

If you still can't find the book, ask the staff at the Circulation Desk for help. They will check to see if the item is waiting to be re-shelved. If necessary, they will perform a search for the item to be sure it hasn't been mis-shelved.