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Using the Library: Databases

Have a question about using the library? Find the answer here!


  1. Go to 

  1. Scroll down to “Links” at the bottom of the page 

  1. Select “A-Z Databases”

Here you can browse an alphabetical list of databases or search for a specific database.  If you are off campus you will need to log in with your username and password. 

LCSC students, faculty and staff may use our databases off campus. To do so, you will need a username and password.

Your username is the same as the first part of your WarriorMail email address (usually first initial, middle initial, last name). If there are numbers in your email address, include them.

Your password is your 6-digit birthday in the following format: MMDDYY.

  • If your birthday is May 12, 2004, your login is 051204 
  • Be sure to leave out the 20 from your birth year 

If your username and password do not work, or if you have any other questions, please contact the library. We'll be happy to help.

Databases can be browsed alphabetically, or you can search for a specific database.  You can search by subject, type of database, vendors/providers, or by name. 

To search by subject, type of database, or vendors/providers, use the drop-down arrows to make your selections then, click "Go". 

To search by name, type into the search bar then, click "Go". 

You can also browse our list of databases alphabetically by using the letters underneath the search bar. 

On the right side of the screen, you'll find a list of featured databases.  These are the most commonly used.  If you scroll down further there is a list of new/trial databases. These will be newly acquired databases or being evaluated for a future subscription.

When you enter a database, check to see what type of search you are doing.  Most databases have the options for basic search and advance search. 


Basic search is best used for when you are using a keyword or simple phrase. Keyword searching is done by using the most important words from your thesis statement. If you are using a phrase, make sure to put it in quotation marks to keep those words together.  



Advance search can be used for any type of search.  This type of search works well when you have multiple keywords or phrases that you want to search for. 

Use "AND" & "OR" to narrow or expand your search.  Using "AND" will only show results that contain both words/phrases (narrows your search).  Using "OR" will show results that contain at least one of the words/phrases (expands your search). 

Keep in mind that searching the catalog or databases should be done using keywords rather than phrases. If you are using a phrase, then make sure to put it in quotation marks to keep those words together in your search.  From the previous example if you search presidential elections vs "presidential elections" you will get different results. 

If you want to refine your search, try using the options below the search bar.  This will look different on each database and may only include a few options. 

The most common options you will see are "Peer Reviewed" and "Full Text"  

Peer-reviewed: These will be scholarly articles you can use for research in your classes.  Professors will often require you to use these types of resources. 

Full text: Some results may only give you the abstract (summary) of an article.  If you want to make sure you are only viewing sources that give you access to the entire text, you should make sure this box is checked. (If you can only find an abstract of an article you want, see the page on "Borrowing from Another Library")